Waiting for that motivation to start

It’s nearly June, and around this time every year I get highly motivated to accomplish things. It’s when I do the grungy, grimy housework that can be put off for months at a time. It’s when I commit to joining another committee or club. It’s when I actually start to read the daily Groupon delivered to my inbox.

This year however, my motivation is still at nil. Sure, I’m doing things that must be done, but I’m dreading them and taking no great joy or satisfaction in their completion. Plus, blog-relevantly, my writing output is paltry and poor.

I need a catalyst for action. If I was writing my own story, I’d drop in a tragedy  or a windfall at this point, just to give my character something that requires reaction. I’m hoping my impending trip to Toronto in June to visit the very wonderful C. Walnut will help. A change of scenery. A new cast. Maybe that will do the trick.